Setting Seller-Away Status

You can enable Away Status on your Store Profile page along with a custom message. This is appropriate for circumstances such as when you are traveling or due to prolonged weather conditions preventing shipping. Away Status has the following effects:

  • When a user inquires on your ad, they are informed you are away and to expect delayed response times. They are also shown your custom message.
  • You will receive inquiries like usual during this period, but we won't send you any reminders.
  • Inquiries you receive during this time period will not be factored into your responsiveness score.
To enable this, head over to your Seller Profile, from the Account Settings option on the menu.
And then scroll down to the bottom and tap "More Settings", which will open up the full list of Store Settings.
At the bottom you will find a section named "Inquiry Settings", which is where you can set your Away Status.

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