Message Tags and Filters

Organizing your MorphMarket inbox has never been easier! Message tags are a visual tool that allow users to quickly identify messages and filter them by these specific tags. While many tags are added automatically, you can also create up to five custom tags.

Article Topics

System-Generated Tags

Create and Manage Custom Tags

Adding Tags to a Message

Filtering Messages

System-Generated Tags

System-generated Message Tags are ones which our system will automatically apply to the message thread.

  • Other than "Sold" and "On Hold", these will not appear on the message previews in your inbox, but will be visible at the top of the individual message thread.
  • You can filter by these labels using the "Message Type" filter.

The following tags are system-generated:

  • Archived
  • Auction
  • Blocked
  • Closed
  • On Hold
    • Gold: if an animal is marked "On Hold" to that buyer. This will be displayed in the message preview.
    • Grey: if an animal is marked "On Hold" for another buyer. This will only be displayed at the top of a message.
  • Purchased: Indicates animals marked as "Sold" to you.
  • Sold
    • Red: if an animal is marked "Sold" to that buyer. This will be displayed in the message preview.
    • Grey: if an animal is marked "Sold" for another buyer. This will only be displayed at the top of a message.
  • Customer: Indicates that a buyer has purchased from you previously.

Create and Manage Custom Tags

You can create up to 10 custom Message Tags.

  • When you add a custom tag to a message, the tag will appear next to the message preview and at the top of the individual message thread.
    • On Mobile: up to 2 tags will display.
    • On Desktop: up to 5 tags will display.
  • You can filter by these labels using the "Tag" filter.

Here’s how to manage them:

  • On Mobile:
    • Navigate to the end of the messenger navigation chips and select "Manage Tags".

  • On Desktop:
    • Click the "Manage Tags" button in the message toolbar at the top of the messenger page.

  • Once on the "Manage Tags" page, click the "Add Tags" text in the upper right corner (Mobile) or the "Add Tags" button (Mobile and Desktop).

  • Enter the tag name in the text field box.

  • Click on the "Select Color" option to set your preferred tag color.
    • Click the arrows next to the input fields to switch between RGB, HSL, and HEX values.

  • Use the "disk" icon to save your tag, or use the trash can icon to remove it.

Adding Tags to a Message

You can add or remove custom tags to a thread using the messenger actions (+ icon).

  • Click on the message actions (the + icon) in the lower-left corner of the individual message thread.

  • Select "Add Tag."

  • Select the tags you want to assign to that specific message and click "apply."

Tags can be edited or removed by following these same steps. System-generated tags can not be removed at this time.

Filtering Messages

You can filter their messages by label.

  • On desktop, this can be done using the message toolbar at the top of the messenger page.
  • On mobile, click the "Filter" icon in the search bar.

    • Click on "Tags."

      • Click "Manage Tags" in the upper right corner of the menu.

The following filter options are available:

  • "Message Type" displays messages with specific system-generated labels, including Archived, Auction, Blocked, Closed, On Hold, Purchased, Sold, and Customer.
  • "Tags" filters messages using your custom message tags.

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