Shipping Lacey/IATA Compliance Labels

Proper Lacey/IATA labeling is mandated by federal law for all live animal shipments.

  • The outside of the box MUST be clearly labeled with ALL the following information:
    • Common Names of Animals Inside
      • Example: Ball Python
    • Scientific Names of Animals Inside
      • Example: Python regius
    • Quantities of Each Species
      • Example: Ball Pythons x 2

To help simplify the labeling process, we provide premade labels for convenience. All available labels can be found here.

Lacey/IATA Labels- Outside of Box

These labels must be clearly placed on the outside of the live package.

Live Reptile Labels- Inside Box

Place these on the inside of the box, so that they are the first thing you see when you open the package. Including these is not required but is strongly recommended as a courtesy for the recipient.

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