How the Morphpedia Works

Morphpedia is hosted on the MorphMarket website, where users can freely and easily access the wealth of information.

We invite everyone to contribute to the articles by adding facts, corrections, and photos. Each article links directly to its corresponding discussion topic on the MorphMarket Reptile Community forums, making it easy to share your insights.

Here’s how it all comes together:

  • Every article has a corresponding topic in our forums.
  • The first post on each topic serves as the primary copy of the article and is referred to as the Wiki.
  • Only designated Morphpedia Editors can update the Wiki, but all users are encouraged to engage by replying to the topic or any of the posts in the discussion below.
  • Valuable and well-supported feedback from users is periodically incorporated back into the Wiki by our editors.

For a visual overview, check out our introductory video below.

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