Can ratings and comments be revised?
We encourage users to wait until the item has been paid in full and delivered so that they have all the information they need to leave an accurate rating. For this reason, we give users up to 90 days to create a review after the initial inquiry OR the animal has been marked as sold.
Please note that modifying ratings and previous comments can create confusion within the community. We also want to discourage rating retaliation or the adjustment of ratings due to other ratings. However, as we aim to encourage problems to be worked out amicably, we do allow buyers to revise their overall rating upward and leave an additional comment if needed.
It's important to be aware that ratings and comments cannot be edited once submitted. However, if there are any typos or errors in ratings or comments, MorphMarket staff can assist in correcting them as necessary.
We remain committed to maintaining a fair and transparent rating system for all users. If you have any questions or require further assistance regarding rating guidelines or platform usage, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team.