Why was my email reactivated?

Sometimes a user flags one of our emails as spam. This is usually unintentional, however it still hurts the reputation of our domain. As a result, our third party mail will put the flagger's email address on a "suppression list" and discontinue sending email to it to help prevent further spam complaints.

This can be confusing to our users, who stop receiving email after they've unknowingly flagged an email as spam. For this reason, we have created a system that monitors the suppression list and reactivates these email address up to once a week for a limited number of times.

When your email is reactivated, you will receive a notification so that you know this occurred. You should check the Messenger on our site to make sure you haven't missed any messages in the meantime.

If you have questions about how you flagged the email as spam, you should contact your email provider.

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