What are the different Badges available?

Founding Member - This badge is granted to sellers who became paid supporters in 2017 and have maintained their membership since that time without lapse.

Annual Membership by Year - Granted for supporting MorphMarket with at least 6 months of paid membership in a given year.

Ratings - 

  1. Regular - 10 Ratings 
  2. Established - 25 Ratings 
  3. Professional - 100 Ratings 
  4. Top Seller - 250 Ratings 
  5. Expert Seller - 1,000 Ratings 
  6. Power Seller - 2,500 Ratings 
  7. Legendary Seller - 10,000 Ratings 

Likes -

  1. Liked - 10 Likes 
  2. Trending - 25 Likes 
  3. Loved - 50 Likes 
  4. Knockout - 100 Likes 
  5. On Fire - 250 Likes 
  6. Epic - 500 Likes 


  1. Noticed - 10 Followers 
  2. Known - 25 Followers 
  3. Followed - 100 Followers 
  4. Popular - 250 Followers 
  5. Leader - 1,000 Followers 
  6. Famous - 2,500 Followers 
  7. Legendary - 10,000 Followers 

And the USARK Badge <--- follow link for more info

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