Enclosure Labels

With MorphMarket's Enclosure Labels, you can effortlessly generate QR Code-equipped labels that are ready to be printed and affixed to your animal enclosures. This also simplifies the inventory keeping of your animals at reptile shows or expos, ensuring a quick and hassle-free experience selling your animals no matter where you are.

Exporting Labels

From Your Animal Manager (Individually)

You can download the QR label code for each animal individually from your Animal Manager.

  • Tap on the kebab menu ⋮ (vertical 3 dots) next to the individual animal

  • Select "Print QR Code Label" from the dropdown menu.

From Your Animal Manager (Bulk Actions)

You can print the QR code label for multiple animals at once using Bulk Actions.

  • Select the checkboxes of the animals you want to download the QR code for.

  • Click on the "Bulk Actions" menu at the top of the Animal Manager table.
  • Select "Print QR Code Label" from the Bulk Actions menu.

Export From your Animal Manager

  • Select Animals: Use the checkboxes to select one or more animals.

  • Hit the ⋮ Button: This is found in the upper right corner of your animal manager, next to the "+" button.

  • Select Export: Click on the "Export" option from the menu.

  • Choose Labels: From the menu, select "Labels."


  • If no animals are selected, it will export labels for all currently displayed animals.
  • Exporting will generate a PDF document containing the labels. Print and cut them out for use.

Using Plastic Sleeves:

To attach the labels to enclosures, insert them into plastic sleeves. These sleeves can be clipped or attached to the enclosures. They offer flexibility, as they can be easily changed or moved. Common sizes are 3.5x2", 4x3", or 6x4", and they are readily available online.

Scanning Labels

Scanning Labels:

  • Using the app, open the user profile menu and select "Scan QR."
  • When logged into your account, scanning the label of an animal you own will take you to the edit animal page. In the future, additional quick actions will be available.
  • Scanning the label of an animal you do not own, if it has been made public, will take you to the animal's public page.
  • If you scan the label from your device's camera (versus the MorphMarket app), please make sure you are logged into your account on your device's internet browser.

Label Settings

You can change the format of your labels by tapping Account Settings > Label Settings, on your main menu.

Customization Options:

  • Choose from a few predefined label formats, which you can modify to your liking.
  • You can adjust the size, content (HTML), and style (CSS) of the labels.
  • To see how the label will look, click "Download Sample" at the bottom of the page.
  • When satisfied with your label settings, hit "Save" and return to the Animal Manager to export labels for your animals.
  • We have plans to expand the list of predefined formats and share links to formats created by other users.

Advanced Customization

For advanced customization, modify the size, content (HTML), and style (CSS) of the labels. If this is outside your comfort zone, consider using a pre-defined configuration from our Enclosure Labels (Configurations) article or obtaining a custom config created by other users. AI such as ChatGPT can also assist you in designing your own labels.

Label Fields

Currently the available fields are:

  • sex
  • sex_icon
  • serial
  • title
  • dob
  • qr_code_url
  • private_notes
  • follicle_size
  • weight
  • category
  • offspring_group
  • traits
  • store
    • id
    • logo_url

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