Understanding Genetics

We understand that exploring the world of genetics can be both fascinating and complex, which is why MorphMarket is designed to empower you with the knowledge and tools needed to navigate the market with confidence. From understanding inheritance patterns to using our calculator for predicting offspring, we're here to support you every step of the way. Let MorphMarket be your trusted genetics companion.



Traits Indexes

Trait Types



Genetic Testing





Before we dive in, it's important to note a few things, which will make this guide much easier to follow. If you get stuck with any terminology, please refer to the community-built Glossary.

  • Genetics is genetics. Nearly all species on our planet work under the same rules.

  • The genotype of an animal refers to its genetic makeup, which consists of the specific alleles present at each genetic locus. In simpler terms, the genotype represents the combination of genes that an individual inherits from their parents.

  • At any given location (locus) in an organism's genome, there can only be two copies of a gene, one inherited from each parent. We refer to these two states as heterozygous (one mutant copy), and homozygous (two mutant copies). Whether a trait is recessive, incomplete dominant (inc-dom), or dominant, it follows the same structure.

  • Think of the genotype as the instruction booklet for assembling furniture. Just as the instruction booklet contains specific details about how to assemble your furniture, the genotype provides the genetic instructions for building and organizing an organism. Just as a missing page in your instructions can change the end result of your DIY, a mutation of a gene can do the same for an animal.

Traits Indexes

MorphMarket's Traits Indexes provide comprehensive databases of genetic traits for various species, allowing users to browse and explore thousands of traits. These indexes are invaluable tools for breeders and enthusiasts looking to understand the genetic makeup of animals and explore potential breeding combinations.

Each species category has its own Traits Index, tailored to the genetic traits relevant to that species. You can find each index by tapping the "Traits" tab in the search navigation bar. Here is the Ball Pythons Trait Index for example.

Search, Filter & Sort: Search for specific traits, filter by criteria (e.g., genetic type or locality), and sort traits to find exactly what you need.

Photo Thumbnails: Trait listings include photo thumbnails, allowing users to visually identify traits and combinations.

All Traits Display: The Traits Indexes allow users to see all traits in the system, even if no ads are currently listed.

Trait Combos: Combo listings include all traits in the combination, allowing users to understand the genetic makeup of specific morphs at a glance.

MorphMarket's Traits Indexes offer a user-friendly platform for exploring genetic traits and combinations in reptiles. With powerful search and filtering capabilities, along with clear labeling and comprehensive trait listings, you can easily navigate the vast database of traits to enhance your breeding projects and expand your knowledge of reptile genetics.

To perform more specific, guided searches, please read over the Search Like a Pro guide.

Requesting Changes

To request additions or changes to the listed traits, please visit this page.

Trait Types


Recessive traits require two copies of the same gene (one from each parent) to be expressed visually, referred to as the phenotype.

As an example, let's consider the Albino trait in Ball Pythons. Albino is recessive, meaning that an individual must inherit two copies of the Albino allele to exhibit the Albino phenotype.

In our example, a Ball Python's genotype can fall into one of three categories:

  • Normal: This genotype indicates that the python does not carry any copies of the Albino allele. Both alleles at the Albino locus are wild-type/normal alleles.
  • Het Albino (heterozygous for Albino): In this genotype, the python carries one copy of the Albino allele and one copy of the wild-type/normal allele. While visually normal, individuals with this genotype are carriers of the recessive Albino allele.
  • Homozygous Albino: This genotype indicates that the python carries two copies of the Albino allele. Only individuals with this genotype will display the Albino phenotype, characterized by a lack of melanin pigment in the skin, resulting in a distinctive white appearance.

Possible Hets:

Breeding two het Albino Ball Pythons together gives each offspring a:

  • 25% chance of being homozygous for the Albino allele and displaying the Albino phenotype
  • 50% chance of being het Albino like the parents
  • 25% chance of being normal.

While we can visually identify the individuals displaying the Albino phenotype as homozygous for the recessive allele, we cannot visually distinguish between the heterozygous offspring and the wild-type offspring. Therefore, we would consider all of these animals as being "66% possible hets". This designation acknowledges that these offspring have a 66% chance of carrying the recessive allele, based on the probability of inheriting one copy from each parent. While they do not display the visual phenotype, they are likely carriers of the trait and may pass it on to their own offspring in future generations.

Incomplete Dominant

Incomplete Dominant traits are those that are visual in an animal in both the heterozygous (one copy), and homozygous (two copies) states, with each state having its own unique phenotype. Let's use Mojave for our example here.

In the case of incomplete dominant traits, a Ball Python's genotype can fall into one of three categories:

  • Normal: This genotype indicates that the python does not carry any copies of the Mojave allele. Both alleles at the Mojave locus are wild-type/normal alleles.
  • Het Mojave (heterozygous for Mojave): This genotype indicates that the python carries one copy of the Mojave allele and one copy of the normal allele. These individuals display a unique phenotype that is distinctly different from both the normal and homozygous Mojave. The Het Mojave phenotype typically includes a lighter, more contrasting color pattern compared to the normal Ball Python.
  • Homozygous Mojave: This genotype indicates that the python carries two copies of the Mojave allele. The phenotype of these individuals is strikingly different and is known as the Blue-Eyed Leucistic (BluEL). These snakes are all white with blue eyes, exhibiting a completely different appearance from both the normal and Het Mojave phenotypes.

Incomplete dominant traits present a unique opportunity for breeders to produce various visually distinct offspring from the same pair of parents.


Dominant traits are those where the phenotype is expressed identically, whether there are one or two copies of the allele present. This means that the heterozygous and homozygous states look identical in appearance, even though they are genotypically different. Let's use the Pinstripe trait in Ball Pythons as our example.

For the Pinstripe trait in Ball Pythons, a python's genotype can fall into one of three categories:

  • Normal: This genotype indicates that the python does not carry any copies of the Pinstripe allele. Both alleles at the Pinstripe locus are wild-type/normal alleles. These pythons exhibit the standard phenotype without any Pinstripe characteristics.
  • Het Pinstripe: This genotype indicates that the python carries one copy of the Pinstripe allele and one copy of the normal allele. These individuals display the Pinstripe phenotype, characterized by thin pen-like patterning.
  • Homozygous Pinstripe: This genotype indicates that the python carries two copies of the Pinstripe allele. The phenotype of these individuals is identical to that of the Het Pinstripe, displaying the same thin pen-like patterning.


Polygenic traits are those that are influenced by multiple genes, often resulting in a range of phenotypes. Unlike single-gene traits, which follow clear Mendelian inheritance patterns, polygenic traits exhibit more variability because they depend on the interaction of several different genes. Let's use the "Fader" trait in Ball Pythons as our example.

  • Multiple Genes Involved: Fader trait is not controlled by a single gene, but by the cumulative effect of several genes.
  • Continuous Variation: Unlike single-gene traits that produce distinct categories, polygenic traits like Fader result in a gradient of phenotypes, from slight fading to pronounced fading.
  • Additive Effects: Each gene contributing to the Fader trait adds to the overall effect, leading to the observed phenotype.

Because polygenic traits involve multiple genes, predicting the exact outcome of a breeding pair is more complex than with single-gene traits. However, we can still discuss general principles:

  1. Intermediate Phenotypes: When two Ball Pythons with intermediate Fader traits are bred, their offspring may exhibit a range of fading effects, from minimal to significant.
  2. Extreme Phenotypes: Breeding two Ball Pythons with strong Fader traits can increase the likelihood of producing offspring with pronounced fading effects.

Polygenic traits, such as the Fader trait in Ball Pythons, offer a fascinating area of genetics where multiple genes interact to produce a range of phenotypes.

Line Breeding

Line breeding is a selective breeding technique where breeders focus on specific traits within a particular lineage, often leading to the development of distinct "lines" within a trait. This approach can result in subtle variations within a single trait due to the accumulation of polygenic influences and selective pressures over time.

Let's use the "High-Intensity Orange Dream" (HIOD) trait in Ball Pythons as our example, which is a line developed by Ozzy Boids that significantly enhances the Orange Dream trait.

The Orange Dream trait in Ball Pythons is an incomplete dominant trait, meaning that both heterozygous (het) and homozygous (super) forms are visually distinct. However, through selective breeding, Ozzy Boids developed the "High-Intensity Orange Dream" line, which enhances the overall phenotype to the point where Het Orange Dream (OD) can easily be mistaken for Super (homo) OD.

Achieving and maintaining consistency within a line requires careful selection of breeding choices over multiple generations. Line breeding can reduce genetic diversity, which may increase the risk of inherited health issues. It is important to introduce new genetic material periodically to maintain overall health.

Line-bred traits, such as the High-Intensity Orange Dream (HIOD) in Ball Pythons, illustrate the power of selective breeding in enhancing specific characteristics. By focusing on and amplifying the most desirable traits, breeders can develop unique and visually stunning lines that stand out in the reptile community.


In the reptile community, "complexes" refer to groups of allelic traits that are compatible with each other. These complexes involve genes that can combine in various ways to produce unique phenotypes, a concept known as compound heterozygosity (two different mutant genes). Let's explore this using the Super Stripe complex in Ball Pythons.

The Super Stripe complex is an excellent example of how different allelic traits can combine to produce distinct phenotypes. Here are some Yellow Belly combinations within this complex:

  • Freeway (Asphalt x Yellow Belly)

  • Puma (Spark x Yellow Belly)

  • Super Stripe (Specter x Yellow Belly)

  • Highway (Gravel x Yellow Belly)

Each of these combinations highlights how the interaction between different alleles can lead to a spectrum of phenotypic expressions.

Traits within a complex can typically be ordered from most to least intense expression, however, compound heterozygous combinations do not always follow this strict pattern. Understanding complexes and allelic interactions is crucial for breeders aiming to produce specific phenotypes. In some cases, genetic testing may be necessary to confirm the presence of specific alleles, especially when dealing with subtle phenotypic variations.


MorphMarket provides a genetic calculator for many species, allowing members to predict the likely outcomes of crossing two parents of specific genetic combinations.

How to Access the Calculator

Via Menus: You can find the genetic calculator in the main toolbar menu on MorphMarket.

Category Tabs: Once you are in a specific category, there is an option in the tabs to access the calculator.

Calculate Button: On each listing page, there is a "Calculate" button. This button will automatically pull the traits from the current listing you are viewing into one of the calculator fields, simplifying the process.

Quick Access: You can access the calculator from any page by entering two morph names in the search box (in the top menu bar) separated by an 'x' and clicking 'Submit'. For example, "Dreamsicle Het Clown x Batman Het Pied"

For more details on MorphMarkets Genetic Calculator please visit the help guide here.

Genetic Testing

MorphMarket's partnership with RGI allows us to offer genetic testing services to help breeders and enthusiasts accurately determine the genetic makeup of their reptiles. Genetic testing can be a valuable tool for various purposes, from confirming breeding outcomes to discovering hidden genes within breeding lines.

Genetic testing saves time by immediately proving the genetics of your animals, allowing you to make informed breeding decisions without waiting years for confirmation. Genetic testing can also determine the sex of reptiles, providing clarity for breeders and enthusiasts.


Mutations are changes in the genetic code and are responsible for the diversity of traits observed in reptiles. While most mutations result in harmless changes in patterning and coloration, some can lead to health issues, similar to how genetic mutations can affect humans.

MorphMarket takes these health considerations seriously. For traits known to cause significant health problems, we automatically add disclaimers to the listings of animals exhibiting such traits. In the most severe cases, we do not allow the sale of animals with these traits on MorphMarket to ensure the well-being of the animals and to maintain ethical breeding practices.

However, it is important to note that we do not know all potential health issues associated with every genetic trait, and some traits may not have enough data available to warrant a health disclaimer. Therefore, we strongly encourage all users to conduct their own research and consult with experienced breeders or veterinarians to fully understand the implications of breeding or purchasing animals with specific genetic traits. By staying informed about the potential health impacts of certain genetic traits, breeders and enthusiasts can make responsible decisions to promote the health and welfare of their reptiles.

Additionally, we add disclaimers for traits with different names that have been proven identical genetically through genetic testing. This ensures that users are fully informed about the genetic makeup of the animals they are purchasing or breeding.


Morphpedia is a comprehensive online resource designed to provide valuable information and education to reptile enthusiasts, breeders, and hobbyists. It serves as a centralized repository of knowledge on reptile genetics, morphs, and related topics.

Presented as a repository of knowledge that offers detailed articles and guides on various aspects of reptile genetics, morphs, and traits, unlike traditional encyclopedias, Morphpedia focuses on the historical founding of traits, their phenotypic descriptions, and the intricate interactions between genotypes and phenotypes.

Morphpedia can be accessed directly from the MorphMarket website via the main navigation menu.

You can utilize the ( ! ) button from the Trait Indexes to quickly find articles and information on specific traits, species, or topics of interest.

Morphpedia categorizes articles into species, making it easy for users to explore relevant information based on their interests and needs.


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