Search Like a Pro

In this guide, we'll take you step-by-step through each Advanced Search option, providing insights and tips on utilizing them effectively. From filtering by species and genetic traits to pinpointing animals within a specific budget or region, we've got you covered. Also be sure to check out our Buying Best Practices guide.

On desktops and tablets, the Advance Search filters can be found on the left of the Shop page.

On mobile the Advance Search filters can be found by tapping the sliders icon shown below:




Click on the dropdown menu and choose the region that interests you. This will filter the results to display only the animals available in your desired area of the world.

Within a Distance

Allows you to filter animals based on a preferred distance from your current physical location. This feature utilizes your device's location services to determine your geographic coordinates and then shows animals available within a specific radius around you. This article shows where this setting can be found in various browsers. See the Buy Animals Locally guide for more details.


There are several places across MorphMarket that allow you to quickly swich category to refine your search.

  • From the homepage.
  • In the top navigation bar.
  • In the search filters.


The Keywords Search feature enables you to search for specific animals by entering relevant terms or identifiers. This is helpful for finding traits that MorphMarket does not yet acknowledge or specific listings from just their Animal ID number.

This can also be used to remove certain keywords from your searches, by adding a "-" directly before your keywords. For example: "-indonesian" will remove the listings with "indonesian" in their title.

Genes and Traits

Included Traits

Here, you can select the traits you are interested in from the available list. For example, if you are looking for a Vudoo Ball Python, select Vudoo from the list.

Any Trait Form

This includes Possible Hets, Hets, and Visual Homozygous animals with your selected traits in your search. So, for example, a search for "Piebald" would show Hets in the results. A search for "Pastel" will show Super Pastels.

No Additional Traits

On the other hand, the "No Additional Traits" checkbox enables you to search for animals with a specific trait while ensuring they have no other additional ones. For instance, if you want to find animals that are just Lavender Albino Clowns and nothing more, check this option.

Min/Max Trait Count

These options represent the minimum and maximum number of traits an animal should have to be included in your search results. For instance, if you're interested in finding a Carpet Python with at least two traits, set the "Min" value to 2. Conversely, if you want an animal with no more than four traits, set the "Max" value to 4.


Trait Counting is a killer search feature. It allows you to require certain kinds of extra traits. Let's say you are looking for a Firefly (Pastel Fire) Ball Python, but you also want it to include:

  • +1 visual recessive: Put min 1, max 1 and under counting choose Visual Recessives.
  • +Double hets: Put min 2, max 2 and under counting choose Het Recessives.
  • +2 or more of any recessive form: Put min 2, and under counting choose Any Recessive. This could match a "Firefly TSK Axanthic het Pied" or a "Firefly TSK Axanthic Pied".

Excluded Traits

If you want to exclude certain traits from your search, you can do so by selecting the "Excluded Traits" option. This filter allows you to find animals without particular genetic features. For example, if you prefer to avoid Pastel, you can exclude it from the search.


These options represent the minimum and maximum prices you are willing to pay for an animal. Enter the lowest price you're willing to consider in the "From" field and the highest price in the "To" field. MorphMarket will then display animals available within the specified price range.

On Sale

The "On Sale" checkbox enables you to specifically find animals that are currently offered at discounted prices by sellers. This feature is designed to help buyers seize opportunities and discover great deals on the animals they are interested in. Read more about this here.


Using the Sex filter allows you to find animals with the specific sex you prefer, ensuring that you can choose a pet or breeder that aligns with your preferences and plans.


In the "Maturity" section, you'll find several options to choose from:

  • Preestablished: Some sellers may list animals as "Preestablished", indicating that the animal is not yet established and the buyer should expect a longer wait time before receiving the animal.
  • Baby / Juvenile: Select this option if you are looking for young animals that have recently hatched or been born. Juvenile animals are typically not yet sexually mature and can be great choices for long-term pet companions.
  • Subadult: Animals listed as "Subadult" are at an intermediate stage between juveniles and adults. They are developing their adult coloration and patterns and may be suitable for specific breeding projects.
  • Adult: Choose this option if you prefer fully grown animals that have reached sexual maturity. Adult animals are often sought after for breeding purposes.

Weight (g)

In the "Weight" section, you'll find two options: "From" and "To." These options represent the minimum and maximum weight range you are interested in. Enter the lowest weight you are considering in the "From" field and the highest weight in the "To" field.


In the "Seller" section, you can enter the name of a specific seller or breeder you want to search for. Start typing the seller's name or Store name in the search bar, and select their store from the dropdown. You can also use the Store Directory to find specific sellers.

Followed Stores Only

This option allows you to filter your search results to display only animals listed by sellers you follow. If you have added certain sellers to your list of favourites, you can use this filter to exclusively see animals from those followed stores.


Here you'll find several States to choose from:

  • Any: Choose this option to view all animals listed on MorphMarket, regardless of their availability status.
  • For Sale: Select this option if you are interested in animals that are currently available for purchase.
  • On Hold: Some sellers may temporarily place animals on hold, indicating that a deposit has been paid for the animal and they are not available, however may become available again should the current deal break down.
  • For Sale or On Hold: This option displays animals that are currently available for purchase ("For Sale") or "On Hold."
  • Sold: If you are interested in tracking the sale history or past listings, you can select this option to find animals that have been sold. This is useful for finding the market value of animals you wish to sell.

Expo Pickup

This allows you to filter animals based on whether they are available for pickup at a specific expo or show. If you prefer to pick up your purchased animals in person at an event near you, this feature will help you find animals listed by sellers who offer expo pickups from that show.

Animal Options


While the majority of animals on MorphMarket are Domestically Produced, you may find animals that were produced in other countries, or Wild Caught animals. It is essential to understand the differences between various origin states when purchasing an animal.

Individual or Group

This allows you to specify whether you are searching for individual animals or groups of animals listed for sale.


If you are interested in animals with specific dietary requirements, you can use this filter to find animals based on that.


Choose from various food types, including live feeder insects, small mammals, meal replacements, dry feed, vegetables, and more.


Select the preferred food form, such as live, frozen-thawed, or prekilled, based on your feeding preferences.

Payment Options

Payment Methods: Choose from various payment methods, such as credit cards, PayPal, bank transfers, or others, based on your preferred payment option.

Minimum Payment Plan: If you are interested in purchasing an animal on a payment plan, you can select this option to find animals from sellers with such arrangements.

Exporting To

This allows you to filter animals based on the countries to which sellers offer export services to. To learn more about importing/exporting, check out the details here.

Other Options

  • Trades Accepted: Some sellers may be open to trading animals for other animals or specific items. If you are interested in trading, you can use this filter to find animals from sellers who accept trades.
  • Proven Breeder: If you are looking for animals that have successfully bred in the past, you can use this filter to find proven breeders.
  • Actual Photo: Select this option if you prefer to see actual photos of the animal you are interested in rather than Example Photo.
  • Has Video: If you want to see the animal in action before making a purchase, you can use this filter to find animals with videos available.
  • Inquire for Price: Some sellers may not publicly list the price of an animal and instead prefer potential buyers to inquire for the price privately. If you are open to this option, you can use this filter to find animals with "Inquire for Price" listings.
  • Seller is a USARK Member: USARK is an organization that advocates for the rights of reptile keepers and breeders. MorphMarket is a Platinum donor, but if you wish to support USARK members, you can use this filter to find animals listed by sellers who have the USARK Badge.

Pro Tips

Saved Searches

When you find a combination of filters that produce the perfect search results, you can save it as a Saved Search for quick and easy access. To save any search, click the "Save Search" button. On mobile, this is a heart button.  To save, you simply need to provide the name of the search.  You can access your previously saved searches at any time through the menu.


You can enable mobile (via the app) and email notifications for Saved Searches, when new listings get posted, from the Notifications page.

Filter Bubbles

Filter Bubbles are convenient visual indicators displayed at the top of the search page. As you apply various filters to your search, each selected filter will be represented by a "bubble" at the top of the search page. By clicking on a specific bubble, you can quickly clear that particular filter and see the search results without it.

Sort By

MorphMarket's Sort By feature allows you to organize search results based on specific criteria. Sorting helps you find animals that match your preferences and priorities more efficiently.

  • Price: Arrange animals from the lowest to the highest price to find animals closer to your budget range.
  • Traits Count: Organize animals based on the number of specific traits they possess for precise trait matching.
  • Trait Count + Price: Combine traits count and price to find animals with specific traits while considering their price range simultaneously.
  • Date of Birth: Arrange animals from the youngest to the oldest to suit your preferences regarding the animal's age.
  • Date Posted: Display animals based on their listing date, with the most recent animals listed first to discover the latest available options, or vice versa.
  • Popularity: Sort animals based on their popularity and demand among buyers to explore trending or sought-after animals.
  • Distance: Find animals located closest to your location for easy local pickup.
  • Title: Alphabetically arrange animals based on their titles to search for specific animal names or keywords.
  • Animal ID: Organize animals based on their unique identification numbers for targeted searches.
  • Seller Name: Arrange animals based on the seller's name.

Navigation Buttons

Buttons at the top (mobile) or top-right (desktop) corner of the screen allow you to quickly navigate to related areas of the site by category.

  • Explore Traits: go to the index page for this category, if available.
  • Calculator: go to the calculator for this category, if available.
  • Stores: go to stores for this category and region.

Grid and List View

Grid View: The Grid View displays search results in a grid format. In this view, each animal listing is represented by a thumbnail image, allowing you to quickly identify and compare different animals. The Grid View also provides essential information, including the animal's title, seller, sex, age, price, and shipping estimates, right at a glance.

Some listings may display icons to indicate specific characteristics, such as "Wild Caught" status or an Example Photo.

For listings located outside your region, a country flag icon shows the location from where the animal is being sold, helping you identify animals available internationally.

List View:

Using the List View, listings are displayed in a table format, providing a detailed overview of each animal. The table includes the animal's thumbnail photo, title, price, sex, maturity level, seller's name, date of birth or hatch, weight (if available), listing date, last update date, quantity available (if applicable), and specific traits or morphs. This data-rich presentation allows for quick and easy comparisons between multiple listings


Trait Index Tab

The Traits Index pages on MorphMarket provide comprehensive lists of all available traits for the selected species. Additionally, some categories may include species and subspecies. Next to each trait or species name, you'll find a number indicating how many active ads are currently listed on the site with that specific trait. These numbers may appear in different colors, representing various genetic subsets for the trait, such as heterozygous, super/homozygous, or "possible" forms.

By clicking on any of these numbers, you can instantly view all the ads that feature animals with the selected trait. This helps you find animals with specific genetic attributes more efficiently. You can also click on the trait or species name itself to perform a broader search, showing you all available ads related to that trait or species.

Clicking on the (i) icon next to a trait name will direct you to the Morphpedia page for that specific trait. This provides additional information and insights to help you learn more about the trait's history, genetics and characteristics.

Local Tab

By using the "Local" tab, you can conveniently locate breeders near you and explore animals that are available within your vicinity. For a comprehensive guide on how to effectively search for local breeders and animals, you can refer to the helpful article here.

Deals Tab

The "Deals" tab is your highway to discovering animals that are currently "On Sale." This tab utilizes the "On Sale" checkbox, allowing you to quickly browse listings with discounted prices. To learn more about how the Sales feature works and how to make the most of it, you can refer to the help guide available here.

For You Tab

The "For You" tab offers a personalized experience by displaying animals exclusively from sellers you follow. This tailored view ensures that you only see listings from breeders you trust or admire. You can refer to the guide here to learn more about how to like and save pages to enhance your browsing experience.

Popular Tab

The "Popular" tab showcases the most "liked" animals of the last 7 days. By exploring the "Popular" tab, you can discover trending animals and stay informed about the latest favorites among buyers and enthusiasts.

Stores Tab

The "Stores" tab serves as a directory of sellers on MorphMarket, which has its own set of Advance Filters to refine your search and help you discover the most suitable sellers for your interests and needs. More information on these filters is provided here.

Projects Tab

The "Projects" tab introduces a unique and exciting way to engage with animals before they are listed for sale. Projects include offspring groups and feature pairings. To learn more about how to use the Projects tab you can refer to the detailed guide provided here.

Searches Tab

The "Searches" tab provides easy access to your saved listing searches and saved project searches. This tab allows you to quickly revisit and manage your saved search criteria, helping you stay organized and efficient in your browsing. To learn more about how to save searches and set up alerts for new offspring that match your criteria, you can refer to the helpful guide available here.

Calculator Tab

For many species, MorphMarket provides genetic calculators that predict the likely outcomes of crossing two parents. This feature helps you visualize and understand the potential genetic combinations and traits that offspring may inherit. To explore the genetic calculators and gain insights into the outcomes of different pairings, you can refer to the informative guide provided here.

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