Animal Husbandry

MorphMarket has a comprehensive suite of custom-built animal management tools including, Collection Manager, Breeding Plans, Projects, Offspring Groups, Enclosure Labels, and now Husbandry and Activity Logs, designed to help you manage husbandry activities and care for your animals in a quick and user-friendly way.

The Husbandry and Activity Log tools allow you to record important activities such as shedding, feeding, weight change, length change, ovulation, pairings, and more. This guide will walk you through how to use these features effectively.

Types of Activities

Husbandry Activities

  • Weight: Record the animal’s weight.
  • Length: Record the animal’s length.
  • Feeding: Record feeding events, including type and quantity of food.
  • Shed: Record shedding events.
  • Defecation: Record defecation events.
  • Cleaning: Note cleaning activities.
  • Water Change: Record water changes.

Breeding Activities

  • Brumation: Record brumation periods.
  • Ovulation: Record ovulation events.
  • Follicle: Record follicle development.
  • Pairing: Record pairing attempts.
  • Lock: Note successful locks.
  • Copulation: Record copulation events.
  • Laid: Record egg-laying events.
  • Hatched: Record hatching events.
  • Born: Record birth events.

Adding Activities

We provide several ways to add activities to help you manage and care for your animals efficiently. Here’s a detailed guide on how to add activities using different methods:

From Your Animal Manager (Individually)

You can add activities for each animal individually from your Animal Manager

  • Tap on the kebab menu (vertical 3 dots) next to the specific animal

  • Select "Add Activity" from the dropdown menu.

  • From there, select the "Activity Type" and add any additional information desired.

From Your Edit Animal Page

If you open your animal's individual edit page, you will see a tab for "Husbandry" and a tab for "Activity Log."

  • The "Husbandry" tab takes you to that individual animal's most recent husbandry activity. You can add new activities or edit existing ones on this page.
  • The "Activity Log" tab takes you to that summary of all of the activities logged for that individual animal.

From Your Animal Manager (Bulk Actions)

You can also add activities to multiple animals at once using Bulk Actions by selecting the checkboxes of the animals you want to record an activity for and clicking on the "Bulk Actions" button at the top of the Animal Manager table. From there select "Add Activity" from the Bulk Actions menu.

From Your Activity Log Page

You can add activities directly from your Activity Log page by tapping the "Add Activity" button located in the top right corner. Weight and Length Units can be changed using the settings (cog icon)

From the Groups / Racks Page

You can add activities for animals in a Group or Rack, either individually, for a custom-selected group, or for the entire group or rack, by flicking the Select switch to active and then tapping the cell that represents the animals' enclosure. At the bottom, you will find the "Add Activity" button.


The Husbandry page is a central hub for managing and viewing all the latest activities recorded for your animals and offers two views to cater to different user preferences.

  • Table View: The Table View offers a comprehensive and customizable table that displays your husbandry records in a format similar to the Animal Manager table. This view is ideal for users who need a detailed overview and the ability to customize the display of their records.

    Add, remove, or rearrange columns to suit your needs. Each column represents a different aspect of husbandry records, such as date, activity type, and notes.

  • Card View: The Card View provides a label-style display that offers a quick and easy reference of each animal log. This view is perfect for users who prefer a more visual and concise representation of their husbandry records. Each card shows essential information at a glance, such as the latest activities and key details for each animal.

Activity Log

The Activity Log view on MorphMarket is a powerful tool for tracking and managing all past activities for your animals. This view allows you to search for specific animals or offspring groups, view their activity histories, and make necessary edits.

The Activity Log view displays a complete record of all activities performed in the past. This view is essential for reviewing the chronological history of individual animals or entire offspring groups, ensuring thorough and accurate husbandry recording. You can search for specific animals or offspring groups, filter by activity type, view their activity histories, and make necessary edits.

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